Kloof Corner Trail

What Is a 'Kloof Corner'?

The Kloof Corner hiking trail on Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa, is a short but scenic route that offers hikers stunning views of the city, the Atlantic Ocean, and the surrounding mountains.


Kloof Corner derives its name from the Dutch word “kloof,” meaning a deep valley or ravine, and “corner,” indicating a notable bend in the trail.


This spot marks a significant turning point on the hiking route, offering sweeping views of Cape Town, the Atlantic Ocean, and the surrounding mountains.


The name reflects the area’s steep, wooded ravine and its strategic position on the mountain, making it a popular destination for hikers seeking breathtaking panoramas and a clear sense of the mountain’s dramatic landscape.

Trail Overview

  • Location: Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Starting Point: The trail begins at the base of Tafelberg Road, at the last bend before the Cable Car station.
  • Distance and Duration: The hike is approximately 1.5 kilometers (0.9 miles) long and typically takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to complete, depending on your pace and time spent enjoying the views.
  • Difficulty: The trail is considered easy – moderate. While it is relatively short, there are some steep and rocky sections that require careful footing.

Key Features

  • Views: The Kloof Corner trail provides panoramic views of Cape Town, Lion’s Head, Signal Hill, and the Twelve Apostles mountain range. As you ascend, the vistas become more breathtaking, making it a popular spot for sunrise and sunset hikes.
  • Terrain: The path is well-marked and involves a mix of steps, rocky pathways, and some scrambling over boulders. Proper hiking shoes are recommended.
  • Kloof Corner Ridge: For more experienced hikers looking for an additional challenge, the Kloof Corner Ridge offers a more technical climb with even more impressive views.
  • However, this section requires some scrambling and should be approached with caution. This route can be accessed by ascending the chain that dangles on the contour path. This is a very technical trail. Go with someone who knows the route. Take rope. If you have heights issues or no upper body strength, please avoid this hike.

Points Of Interest

  • Photo Opportunities: There are numerous spots along the trail that are perfect for taking photos, especially at the top where you can capture the sweeping views of the coastline and city.


  • Flora and Fauna: The trail is home to various native plants and occasionally small wildlife, making it a great hike for nature enthusiasts.

A Winter's Day Hike

The Kloof Corner hike is a fantastic option for those looking to experience the beauty of Table Mountain without committing to a longer, more strenuous trek. It offers some of the best views in Cape Town and is accessible to most hikers with a moderate level of fitness.


 Earlier in the week the weather had predicted rain. But the rain had come in the night before and the morning was cold and crisp.


The drive to Tafelberg Road was smooth, despite the roadworks and the clear skies promised a great morning. At the base of the trail, the unobstructed view of a slumbering Cape Town city bowl twinkled in the dawn light.


The trail was dry and well-defined. Each step was firm, and the rocks offered solid footing. Sunrise stole over us, lighting the path ahead. The familiar scent of the mountain flora filled the air, heralding a new day.


The trail is basically a stone staircase. If you take the time to stop, views of Cape Town expand with each step, revealing the city, the ocean, and the surrounding landscape in stunning detail. The Atlantic Ocean stretched out, a vast, calm expanse.


Lions Head rose imposingly. King of the jungle.


The trail’s features stand out clearly. The plants along the path vibrate with life, the proteas adding splashes of colour.


Pause often to watch Cape Town awaken.


Reaching the contour of Kloof Corner is itself an accomplishment. This is an ideal hike for beginners; the stone steps are steep but make for easy climbing.


We stopped at the contour path for a snack break before going towards Devils Peak.


Chucky and I and the Rooikappies (Little Red Capes) would exit the contour above the Cable Car Station while some would ascend India Venster and the rest of the group would continue to Platteklip Gorge before descending to Tafelberg Road.


The clear weather had attracted a few other hikers, but the tranquillity of the mountain worked its magic.


It was a time to reflect and appreciate the journey.


The descent was quick and straightforward.


As I made my way down, I thought about the hike and the clear day that had made it so special.  


Every sound, sight, and scent was distinct and vivid. The hike had been an opportunity to connect with the mountain and appreciate its beauty.


But more importantly, connect with my tribe 🙂

Tips For Winter Hiking

  1. Wear Proper Gear: Dress in layers to manage the changing temperatures. Good hiking boots are essential.
  2. Pack Essentials: Bring water, snacks, and sun protection. Even in winter, the sun can be strong.
  3. Take Your Time: Enjoy the hike and the views. There’s no need to rush.
  4. Stay Informed: Check the weather and trail conditions before you go.
  5. Enjoy the Experience: Embrace the clarity and beauty of a winter day. Take in the sights and sounds of the trail.

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