A Child-Friendly Hike
31 December 2022

What does 'flat' really mean?

Start: Cecilia Forest Parking
Time: 7am
Terrain: Some hill ups!
Distance: Around the corner, boss!

Despite my SIL’s protestations, I maintain this is one of the child-friendliest (and adult-friendly) hikes in Cape Town.
In the summer months (and yesterday was hot) it’s one of the better options since there are many shaded paths, streams and alternate (meaning flatter) options to walk.
If you don’t think you can walk to the waterfalls, you can stay on the contour path and go into Kirstenbosch Gardens instead. It’s a relatively flatter walk along the contour path.
The family had been asking to do a hike for a while, so we thought this would be a good option, especially for the kids.

Why Is Moulana late?
Gasant1 and the boys beat us to the start. On the ball!
Taz, Juffrou (Teacher) and the gang came shortly after but where was Moulana?
Eventually they arrived … 20 mins late.
Later we would learn why they were late. But for now, we teased them for always being late.
(Moulana is a title given to a person learned in Islamic law and practice)
After the meets, greets and teases, we set off.

The little ones were super excited… even Snow White couldn’t wait to get started.
The boys were cautious of this exercise thing and the older girls were wondering how long they had to suffer without their phones. (Note the headset)
Off we went, ignoring the tween sceptics and their world-weary-roll-the-eyeballs-so-over-itism!
The Route

We started at the boom gate and took the first path to the right (There is a sign that says Spilhaus Ravine and Cecilia Ravine) which goes off the jeep track (boring!) and through a well-marked trail to a smallish contour path.
Here you can continue straight ahead, following the wooden steps or you can go right. We kept right, which led us through some Afromontane forest, over a cool little bridge and along a delightful little stream.
It was already hot at 7.30am in the morning.

Little Dilton (He of the spectacles… If you don’t know who Dilton is, I pity your wasted childhood!) set a fast pace, his little legs pumping, his arms flailing as he hopped, skipped and dodged tree roots and other obstacles.
We barely kept up with him.

This is one of my favourite routes. It has a nice, chilled vibe.
Especially if you haven’t hiked in a while and want to find your feet or need to do a shortish route with all the pretty, and none of the slog.

To The Waterfalls!

Teacher says, 'Break time!'

This option is also much prettier.
The route is 90% shade due to the indigenous forests and is a bit more exciting with some easy scrambling over largish rocks. (Taz may disagree on this one!)
The kids looked like they liked it..?

We met many dogs, runners, and other walkers on the route.
Miss Ice Skater was convinced there was no waterfall since it was taking inordinately long to get there.
But eventually, there she was, in ALL her glory.
I had hoped, since Cape Town had received some rain, that the smaller waterfalls would be flowing, but alas! We will have to come back in the winter to see some bonus waterfalls.

The Waterfall!

Breakfast Rock

We had a proper picnic at the Waterfall.
When I asked why so much food, I was told, ‘You said we would be having breakfast.’
I didn’t mean a full continental breakfast!
But I’m not complaining.
It then became apparent why Moulana had been late; Mrs Moulana had been up since dawn preparing a feast.
I think I like hiking with the Gasantjies.
Their idea of breakfast on a hike is so much better than mine. The spread included chicken strips, frikkadeltjies, hot cross buns, croissants and 2 kinds of koeksusters!
We easily spent an hour stuffing our faces. Look at the full tummies on the pic!
Magies vol!
(Full tummies)

Rooikat Ravine

We opted to go back via Rooikat Ravine, enjoying the views of Muizenberg Peak in the distance.
By now the kiddos were a bit tired but carried on like real troopers and the older ones were over the all the dirt and sweat already.
Also lizards. Apparently lizards are quite terrifying.

Everywhere we go
People want to know
Who we are
Then we tell them
We are Gasantjies
Kleine Vuilg*t Gasantjies
We made up our own bootcamp song to motivate ourselves and the kiddos over all the hill-ups on Rooikat Ravine.

Happy New Year
By the end of the day, the aunties had concluded the following:
• Faye (not on this hike) had been the smart one to sit this one out since she had learned from previous experience that when Chucky and I say ‘flat’ hike, we are lying!
(It was flat-ish! It’s a mountain, guys!)
• We have no idea what ‘short’ or ‘easy’ means
• The next one should be on a flat mountain!
(Like Platteklip? Bwhahaha!)
As of this writing, I have not had my ingetroude (in-law) Gasant membership revoked.
Taking that as a good sign!
All in all, they looked like they enjoyed themselves, Princess A’s involuntarily shaking legs notwithstanding!
Next hike: Elsies Peak so we can go to the beach afterwards???
For Chucky and I it was a wonderful experience sharing one of the things we love to do with the people we love.
A lekker day out with the family and the best way to spend the last day of 2022.
Hopefully they will join us on a few easier(ish)… apparently ‘easy’ is relative… hikes!
We look forward to the next one!

For more child-friendly, family-friendly hike options in Cape Town, go here.
Awesome sad we couldn’t be part of it – good memories