Hodgson’s Peak (South) 3256m

Lesotho: The Mountain Kingdom

A Journey to Hodgson's Peak


The anticipation of an adventure often heightens the experience, and for many adventurers, the journey to Hodgson’s Peak begins with the exhilarating ride up the Sani Pass.


This iconic mountain pass, nestled between South Africa and Lesotho, offers a thrilling start to any hiking expedition.


The Sani Pass, known locally as the “Roof of Africa,” is not for the faint of heart. As you embark on this journey, you are greeted by a narrow, winding gravel road that climbs steeply through the Drakensberg Mountains.


The ascent begins in the lush, not-so-green (It was winter after all) foothills of the KwaZulu-Natal region of South Africa, and as you climb higher, the scenery transforms dramatically.

The Adventure Begins: 4x4-ing the Sani Pass

Born 2 4x4

A 4×4 vehicle is essential for this part of the trip.


The rugged terrain, sharp switchbacks, and sheer drops make for a white-knuckle ride. For many, this drive is an adrenaline rush, and the sense of accomplishment upon reaching the summit is unparalleled.


I would not survive driving this pass without soiling my pants, especially on the way back down.


Kudos to our guide, Stuart from Adventure Drakensberg who you can book through Sani Lodge for his mad driving skillz.


As you navigate the Sani Pass, you encounter breathtaking vistas at every turn. The valleys and once-cascading, now frozen waterfalls create a dramatic contrast against the rugged mountain landscape.


The road, cut into the side of the mountain, often seems impossibly narrow, but experienced drivers know how to manoeuvre these tricky paths with finesse.


I watched in awe as a 4×4 minibus taxi made its way swiftly down the Pass later that day. 

Frozen Waterfall on the Sani Pass

Crossing Into Lesotho

Hello Lesotho!

At the summit, you reach the South African border post, and a short drive further brings you to the Lesotho border control. The shift in scenery is immediate.


Lesotho, known as the Kingdom in the Sky, boasts an otherworldly landscape. Rolling hills give way to stark, rocky outcrops and vast, open spaces.

Sani Flats

Stuart left the car at The Sani Mountain Lodge, which is the self-proclaimed ‘highest pub in Africa’ and although we were grateful they let us use the bathroom, I got the distinct feeling we were there on sufferance. 


An overrated tourist trap. We took pics but on principle refused to spend any money there. We didn’t feel welcome and left as soon as possible. 

Look at the guy. Ignore the pub.

The Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho

Hodgson's Peak

Lesotho is a land of stunning contrasts.


Known for its high altitude, it’s a place where the air is crisp, and the landscapes are vast and untamed. The people of Lesotho, known as Basotho, are renowned for their hospitality and resilience.


Clad in traditional Basotho blankets, they are a hardy people, living in one of the most challenging environments in Southern Africa.


As we trekked towards Hodgson’s Peak, we saw the smoke of shepherd’s fires and abandoned kraals.


Stuart said in the summer months the flats were overrun with sheep. Now, in the middle of winter we saw only the hidey-holes of snow rats and could barely hear them over the howling wind. 


I couldn’t imagine what hardships the Basotho people endure, harsh winters and stormy summers.

Alpine Fynbos

Hodgson's Peak: The Ascent

Chucky pointing the way

There are 2 peaks in this part of the Drakensberg Mountains, viz. Hodgson’s Peak North and Hodgson’s Peak South. We chose the higher of the two, viz. the south peak because the conditions were ideal. Notwithstanding the effect of the altitude on our sea-level-adapted bodies.


The struggle is real. At altitude, simply walking has your heart racing, and your lungs gasping for air.

The Giants Cup, is the space between the two Hodgson’s peaks.


I took a pic, but really, I couldn’t see it.



Smuggler's Route

The walk to Hodgson’s Peak is both challenging and rewarding.


It straddles the border between South Africa and Lesotho. Standing at an elevation of 3,256 meters (10,686 feet), it’s one of the highest points in Southern Africa.


The trailhead begins at the Sani Mountain Lodge, and the initial part of the hike takes you through rolling hills and grassy plateaus.


The path is well-marked with massive rock cairns (for trail running apparantly… yes, you know I’m going to have to come back to run it, right?)  but can be steep and rocky in places. As you climb higher, the vegetation becomes sparser, and the terrain more rugged.


The Climb

The climb to Hodgson’s Peak is a test of endurance and determination.


The trail winds its way up the mountain, with steep inclines and rocky outcrops.


As you ascend, the air becomes thinner, and the temperature drops, adding to the challenge.


However, the breathtaking views provide ample motivation to keep pushing forward.

One of the thrilling aspects of this hike is the sense of isolation.


The vast, open spaces and the absence of human activity create a sense of solitude that is both humbling and exhilarating.


The only sounds are the wind rushing through the grass and your heartbeat pounding in your ears.


Overhead we spotted a bearded vulture (endangered) and a pair of falcons.

The Summit

After several hours of steady climbing, you finally reach the summit of Hodgson’s Peak.


The sense of accomplishment is overwhelming, and the panoramic views are nothing short of spectacular.


From the top, you can see the rugged peaks of the Drakensberg stretching out in every direction, the valleys far below, and the distant horizon where the sky meets the land.

The summit offers a 360-degree view of the surrounding landscape.


To the south, you can see the rolling hills of KwaZulu-Natal, while to the north lies the vast, desolate expanse of Lesotho.


The contrast between the two regions is stark and beautiful, highlighting the unique geographical and cultural diversity of this area.


At 0:22 you can see the northern Hodgson’s Peak

The Descent

Sani Pass

After soaking in the views and capturing some memorable photos, it’s time to begin the descent.


The journey down is no less challenging than the ascent, requiring careful navigation of the rocky terrain. However, the sense of accomplishment from having reached the summit makes the descent feel more manageable. 


The descent offers a different perspective, with new vistas and hidden gems that you may have missed on the way up. The return journey is a chance to reflect on the experience and to savor the beauty of this remarkable landscape.


The hike to Hodgson’s Peak is more than just a physical challenge; it’s a journey of self-discovery and connection with nature.


The rugged beauty of the Drakensberg and the stark, untamed wilderness of Lesotho offer a unique and unforgettable adventure.


This hike is a testament to the power of nature to inspire and challenge us. It’s a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the beauty that can be found in even the most remote and challenging places.


The journey to Hodgson’s Peak is not just about reaching the summit; it’s about the experiences and the memories you create along the way.

Practical Tips:

  • Preparation: Ensure you are well-prepared for the hike. Bring plenty of water, high-energy snacks, and appropriate clothing for changing weather conditions. The weather in the mountains can be unpredictable, so layers are essential.


  • Acclimatisation: If you’re not used to high altitudes, take time to acclimatize by walking slower than your normal pace, not exerting yourself and drinking plenty of water. 


  • Navigation: While the trail is well-marked, it’s always a good idea to have a map and compass, or a GPS device. The terrain can be challenging, and it’s easy to lose your way. We went with a guide who knew his stuff.


  • Safety: Hike with a group if possible. The remote nature of the trail means that help can be a long way off if something goes wrong. Ensure you have a first aid kit and know how to use it.


  • Respect the Environment: Leave no trace. Respect the natural environment and the local communities. Take all your rubbish with you, and avoid disturbing wildlife.

Final Thoughts

The journey to Hodgson’s Peak is an adventure that combines the thrill of a 4×4 ride up the Sani Pass, the challenge of a high-altitude hike, and the beauty of one of the most remote regions in Southern Africa.


It’s an experience that will stay with you long after you’ve returned home, a testament to the enduring allure of the great outdoors.


Whether you’re an experienced hiker or a novice looking for a challenge, Hodgson’s Peak offers an adventure of a lifetime.

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