The Ultimate Knysna Adventure

The Knysna Triple Crown

Go big or go home, I always say.


Often to my regret. But this time, there would be no regrets. Carpe Diem. Seize the day. Warra-warra fishpaste. (For non-Capetonians… ‘blah blah’)


My desire to conquer the Knysna Forest Marathon had been thwarted for years, for various reasons. But in the year 2024, with motive and opportunity aligned perfectly, I seized it. It felt unstoppable. The stars had aligned. We were one with the universe. (Although my knees will disagree. Vehemently!)


Not content with just the (half) marathon, we (Yes, we, cos it was a joint decision. Or bullying, according to the Princess) decided to add a baby trail run and The Harkerville 2-day coastal hike to our itinerary.


After all, we were there, right?


Might as well go all out. Carpe Diem.


Thus, we christened our adventure ‘The Knysna Triple Crown’.

Day 1: Road Trip!

On Thursday, 20 June, my mates and I embarked on a six-hour road trip from Cape Town to Knysna. The journey started early, with the sun rising as we packed up the car. Spirits were high, and the open road beckoned.


We made our first pit stop in Riviersonderend for breakfast. It’s not exactly a picture-postcard town, but it has its own charm. Decent coffee, clean toilets, and a hearty breakfast gave us the fuel we needed for the journey ahead.


Back on the road, the next stretch took us to Mossel Bay for lunch. Mossel Bay is a gem along the Garden Route with a rich history and stunning beaches. We stretched our legs and enjoyed a quick lunch. 

And almost left without Bridget! No, of course we didn’t!


With bellies full and spirits high, we continued our journey to our base camp at the Harkerville Forestry Station, arriving in the late afternoon.


The Harkerville Forestry Station would be our home for the next six days. Tucked away in the tranquil embrace of the forest, it offered a serene setting for our adventures. We settled in, unpacked, and planned our itinerary for the coming days.


Day 2: Mosque and Marathon Expo

Friday was a day of preparation and anticipation. We started the day with a visit to the mosque in Knysna, a moment of spiritual reflection and community before the physical challenges ahead. Afterward, we headed to the Knysna Forest Marathon Race Expo to collect our numbers for the marathon and the Houtkapper Trail Race.


The expo buzzed with excitement. Runners from all over gathered, each sharing their own stories and goals. We picked up our race packs, checked out the latest running gear, and fueled our anticipation for the races ahead. The energy was contagious, and we left feeling pumped and ready.

Day 3: The Knysna Forest Half Marathon

Saturday dawned, no no, pre-dawn, we found ourselves catching a taxi in the dark from the middle of Knysna, through a dodgy looking township and into the forest.


It was cool but not rainy, as predicted, so everyone was happy, perfect conditions for the Knysna Forest Half Marathon. Some mad people like our beloved Blaise, did the full marathon! Salut.


The race is a blend of trail and road, set deep in the heart of the Knysna forest. The air was fresh, and the scenery was breathtaking. We lined up at the start, nerves and excitement mingling as we awaited the gun.

And then we were off!


The trail wound through ancient trees and over soft forest floors. The first part of the race was a dream, running through such natural beauty. But then came the hectic downhill at Simola Golf Estate – a knee-jarring descent that tested our mettle.


Thankfully, it was followed by a fast and flat finish at Knysna High School. My running companion for the day was Magedie ‘Mac’ Theunissen from Topform Running Club.


I was struggling when I hooked up with Mac, but his enthusiasm and knowledge of the course engaged me and carried me most of the race. What I love about running is runners. Running is pain, and on days like this, its the cameraderie that gets you over the line.


We pushed each other, laughed through the pain, and crossed the finish line with huge grins. It was exhilarating, challenging, and utterly rewarding.


Big Shukran, Mac! I appreciate you so much!

Guess who ran a PB and course PB? Iron man himself! Who gallantly finished more than an hour ahead of us in some ridiculously fast time of 1h34! No words hey!

Day 4: The Houtkapper Trail Run

Sunday was the Houtkapper Trail Run – a short but intense 9 km run.

We (thankfully) chose the baby race and were my quads glad after that downhill pounding the day before.


Because why NOT, right? Right??


The course was beautiful, weaving through dense forests and over rugged terrain. The highlight (or lowlight, depending on how you look at it) was the steep climb in the middle 3 km. It burned the legs and tested our endurance, but we powered through.


The run ended with a fast downhill to the finish line, our legs moving faster than we thought possible. The sense of accomplishment at the end was palpable. 


Part two of the Triple Crown conquered.

Day 5: Harkerville Hike - Day 1

Monday marked the beginning of our Harkerville hike. This two-day trek is known for its technical challenges and stunning scenery.


The day dawned clear and crisp, the predicted rain holding off. The only damper was that our 12th (wo)man, Sporky, was out due to illness.


So we have to have a do-over, right?  Right? Of course yes!

Cast Of Crazies

Day 1 started with 9 km of easy forest hiking. The trail was well-marked, and we enjoyed the tranquility of the forest, the only sounds being our footsteps and the occasional bird call.

But then the real challenge began. The next 4 km took us along the rugged coastline, including a daunting cliff section with chains and a sheer drop into the ocean. It was heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping, and absolutely thrilling.


The final stretch was a flat meander to Sinclair Hut, where we would spend the night.


As the sun set, it started to rain. But Maan, ever the resourceful one, made a roaring fire that kept us warm. We dined on Shanaaz’s delicious beans and steak, a hearty meal that hit the spot after a day of hiking.


Someone even had a spiritual encounter off the top bunk bed, adding a touch of mysticism to our adventure.

Day 6: Harkerville Hike - Day 2

Day 2 of the Harkerville hike was even more challenging. More chains, including a rope ladder and some serious technical scrambles over wooden boardwalks, awaited us.


The ladders and ropes tested our nerve and strength, but we tackled each one with determination and grit.

The video above is the best demonstration of how to climb that chain ladder on Day 2. 


They dont call her the Iron Lady of Ommiedraai for nothing!

The second day ended with a 4 km walk back to the Harkerville hut.


Both days included steep ascents that made our legs burn, but the sense of achievement at the end was worth every step. The weather was perfect – cool and overcast – which made the hike more manageable.


Our team moved like gazelles over the tough and technical terrain, supporting each other and sharing laughs along the way.

Now you know why we call him ‘Major Pain’.


I don’t think that steep ‘hill up’ was there the last time I did this trail.


In  fact, I think someone put it there just to be mean.

By the time we returned to our base camp, we were exhausted but elated.


We had conquered the Knysna Triple Crown, each event pushing us to our limits and rewarding us with unforgettable experiences.


The camaraderie, the breathtaking scenery, and the sheer physical challenge had made this adventure one for the books.

Reflecting on the journey

Reflecting on the journey, it was clear that this was more than just a series of races and hikes. It was about friendship, perseverance, and embracing the beauty of nature.


Each step of the way, from the road trip to the final hike, had brought us closer together and deepened our appreciation for the incredible landscape of the Garden Route.


Knysna had given us memories that would last a lifetime. The Knysna Forest Half Marathon, the Houtkapper Trail Run, and the Harkerville Hike each offered their own unique challenges and rewards.


Together, they formed the Knysna Triple Crown – a true test of endurance and a celebration of the great outdoors.

Thank You

To the 11 crazy people who, like me, thought this was a good idea!


I love you madly 🙂


Photo credits and videos:










We need to top this in 2025:

Full Marathon

27km trail run

Harkerville RECOVERY hike



9 thoughts on “The Ultimate Knysna Adventure”

  1. Bridget Sherman

    Gabiba – I am in awe of not only your writing but ‘YOU’ as a person !

    You inspire and make it possible for me to know that good people really exist !

    I look forward to many many more wonderful hikes and adventures with the team ! X

    Only love
    Sugar Sherman !

  2. What an adventure. Wow
    You guys are just awesome 💪🏽💪🏽
    Nothing is a challenge for you lots.
    Hats off for you all

  3. Awesome writing as usual
    I don’t know how you do it.
    Whilst we were running I asked you how you going to remember all of these and you laughingly told me you mentally write it in your head whilst running.
    You one of a kind and I really enjoyed running the 21k with you.
    Keep inspiring us with your blog

  4. Aneesa Kathrada

    Such fun and adventure with you . Can’t wait for more to come ⛰️ love the blog

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