Best Hikes In South Africa: The Otter Trial (Part II)

The Day Of The Lottering

Day 3: Scott Hut to Oakhurst Hut

We're Walking On Sunshine

My favourite day. By Far.


After our morning post-prayer snooze, we rose to clear skies.


The sun had made an appearance, and she was showing off. This would be another short day with only 9km of hiking, and only The Lottering River at the end to negotiate before reaching Oakhurst hut.


We started even later, at 10am, to be exact, after a lovely breakfast of French toast oozing gooey cheese. (All my favourite things in one sandwich).


And good coffee made with love as only my darling Bashe can make it.

Angels Of The Morning

About 1km into the walk, as we were cresting the first cliff of the day, we spotted a big swimming spot between the rocks.


We couldn’t resist. Bags hit dirt. Boots hit sand.

Day. Made. 


Or So I thought…

We first spotted a pod of dolphins earlier that morning at Scott hut and for the remainder of the day, kept seeing dolphins frolicking in the surf.


What gorgeous animals. Their grace and beauty a constant reminder of the magnificence of our planet. Which we need to take care of.

While We Were Swimming
Some Caught Up On Their Beauty Sleep

The Elandsbos River

We woz here

The lesser-mentioned Elandsbos River is negotiated on Day 3, often overshadowed by the more famous Lottering River.


We had a LOT of fun crossing the Elandsbos.


Let’s just say we left our mark on the landscape… 


*NB: No rivers were harmed in the process




Pulled chicken & pesto wraps!

It’s hard work having so much fun and we took a well-earned break for lunch after some serious climbing!


Papa Grizzly's Lottering

Where The Lottering meets The Indian Ocean

The first sighting of the Lottering is staggering.


You hear the crash of waves, then witness the river colliding with the ocean, and you think… how the frikkadel am I going to get across that to the huts on the other side.


The huts are clearly, tantalisingly visible on the other side of the river. 


So near and yet so far…


Not to worry. The crossing does not occur at the mouth of the river. I imagine you would have to be half dolphin to survive that.


Instead you cross much further upstream where the river level is lowish (waist high at its highest for 5’2″ me) and the current is sedate.


We walked across. Be mindful of rocks not clearly visible in the tea-coloured water and sneaky sandbanks that will try to trip you.





Team work making the dream work.


The bags went over first, then the non-swimmers were led across.


But of course, it wouldn’t be a river crossing without some drama.


A slipper was lost and had to be rescued!


Save Our Slipper

War and Peace

The Eternal War Of The Waters

Like most wars, nobody knows when it started, or if it will ever end…


But reliable reports suggest a small salvo was set off by The Little Berxik. And then things escalated!

After a very brief lull, hostilities resumed, with only The Tailor escaping relatively unscathed.


Everyone else got soaked!


Authorities suspect The Pillar was the instigator of the latest incursion.


Investigations are ongoing. 

Peace Talks

I carried A Watermelon..? Not!

We were met by friendly rangers at the hut, who stayed long enough to have some watermelon and Coke with us.


The Amir had arranged for a food drop on Day 3 so we had Coke, ice and watermelon. They went down so so good.


Supper was braai with sweet potato and butternut.


Yours truly was tasked with making bollas for dessert. (I need to renegotiate my contract on these hikes!)


There were extra tents at Oakhurst and Chucky and I decided to share one. I liked the location of the tent, as it was close to the beach, but also because it meant the ladies in the hut had a little more space.


That would be the third night in a row I would have the best sleep in a long time.


Is it the susurration of the ocean that brings on deep, restorative sleep? The fresh sea air? The lack of light pollution? The absence of technology?


All the above.


Much 2 Be Grateful For

And if you count the blessings of Allah, 

Never will you be able to count them.

(Al-Quran 14:24)

Sunset Day 3

End of Part II

Part III 

Part I

Photographs courtesy of MAbbas

2 thoughts on “Best Hikes In South Africa: The Otter Trial (Part II)”

  1. Basheerah l

    Love it enjoying the Read during loadshedding. All those Memories 💖

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